Welcome to Carrie Amanda Janock's Transplant Adventure Page!

This will be the spot were the Janock Family attempts to keep their family and friends informed on Carrie's progress as she moves closer and closer (and hopefully through) her bone marrow transplant for Fanconi Anemia.

Carrie has plenty of tests left to undergo including heart and lung tests. The next surgical procedure should be for a "Broviac" or "Wires" which provides the medical folks with access to Carrie's blood stream without any needles!!

Current status as of July 8, 1998 is: day -15

This will be the page to bookmark for updates etc...


If anyone would like to make a donation in honor of Carrie, for good luck, these are the people who have helped us...

Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc.
1902 Jefferson St. Suite 2
Eugene, Oregon 97405

Visit FARF on the web!

Email Carrie

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